As many of you know I spend my days working as an administrative assistant. A job I’m good at, but not always particularly fond of. That being said I have had some of the funniest stories from working this career path, but nothing ruffles my feathers more than being asked to do some of the STUPIDEST things. And in the heat of the moment they often feel like extremely offensive requests, but 24 hours post an incident, they’re stories authors couldn’t imagine making up!
The best part is… it’s my REALITY!!
So here’s a short story, from a week ago, from the middle of a conversation I had via instant message with another admin…
I am 4 weeks into a position with a new department. So far all things have gone pretty great! I’m adjusting to the new digs and to the new boss. I’ve got a wonderful group of supportive admins here and am trying my best to win over the admins of the higher ups who work down town.
You see my office location is in Grove City (a suburb of Columbus). Its great here and it’s also where I live. Hubbs was born and raised here, so now that I’m working just down the street, I never get to leave! (whoo – hoo! – do you sense the sarcasm?) any way… that might have been a little off topic.
The nickname for this place is “Grove Tucky” and I think the perception from the high class big wigs of the corporate office is that we’re all a bunch of hill billy’s down here. Which by the way might be partially true, but these are the nicest hard working people I’ve ever met !
Well since we’re all grove tucky down here, I’m trying to prove my worth and professionalism to the other admins that I work with. Our Senior Vice president’s admin is the nicest gal, and I’ve been trying to build rapport with her and prove to her I am organized, sophisticated and intelligent.
Its hard though because we’ve never actually met in person. (Because if she saw me, she’d instantly know I was organized, sophisticated and intelligent… nope not really! Lol)
So we have this rather annoying system (IMHO – that’s blog lingo for 'in my humble opinion') called instant messaging and we often refer to an ‘I.M.’ as a “ping”. People in this department are crazy about it! No need to make a phone call or even send an email – just PING me! – aNnOyING! Constant interruptions all day…
So me and the head honcho’s admin are having an I.M. conversation. She’s explaining something to me about a meeting and what not. I was probably half engaged, because I was aware of what she was talking about, so I replied to her the words ‘got it’ to confirm that I understood the details…
That’s when it happened. I hit enter to send the reply and this is what it said.

Go tit….. (shi*!!!)
I just cheered on a SVP’s admin by saying ‘Go Tit!
I quickly ‘x-ed’ out the IM box, hoping some how that would make it go away… seconds ticked by.
She responded with an ‘lol’ and “that’s the funniest typo I’ve ever seen!”
Thank God! I started cracking up, mostly thankful she thought it was funny, rather than offensive that I just called her a vulgar term for the female anatomy!
We cordially wrapped up the conversation, still chuckling through out.
There’s no doubt in my mind she now thinks I’m an organized, sophisticated and intelligent grove tucky gal.