Wouldn't it be fun if when you went on vacation you and everyone on your trip bought a cup when you got to your destination. It could be a cup with the name of the place you're visiting, simple, complicated, plastic, glass, sippy style or just from Target... that cup is your cup of the week. You drink EVERYTHING from it. Coffee, tea, water, beer and cosmopolitans. You and your cup become companions for your time away. When vaca is over, you take the cup home as a keepsake from your fabulous get away. Use it on a daily basis or display it on a shelf. Hopefully you've built some good memories with your cup and the friends and family you were with. Sure beats a silly souvenir!
Here's a few things I've been fillin my cup with recently! Cheers to warm weather!
Menage a Trois WINE (please don't google... trust me)Discovered this at Woodhaven Farm. Its a mix of Zinfandel, Merlot and Cabernet... YUM!
Magic Hat Beer - had this one on tap in Florida while on vacation. The Spring Lager is my favorite. They're logos are so darn creative too!
And good ole' fashioned Sweet Sun Tea! Made in my own backyard. Another personal favorite is Cane's Sweet Tea.
The day after I read about the majic hat here, they were sampling it at Fresh Market? Coincidence???