Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Budgeting - ugh

I'll be the first one to admit, I'm NOT a good money manager. Not that I spend thousands on the latest greatest tech items or have new articles of clothing every week, I could just do a better job planning. I know hubbs would appreciate this. So in an effort to end many uncomfortable conversations around money and more importantly be more budget saavy I am committing myself to learning and PRACTICING better budget behavior. Here's one website I've found already that I'm in LOVE with.

Budget101.com is plastered with wonderful ideas for grocery shopping, recipes, home repairs, great gift ideas, and just general budget tips and tricks. And this web site is actually pretty pleasing to the eye, compared to some other budget sites I've stumbled upon. A woman must have created it :)

Another familiar name in the world of finanaces is Dave Ramsey. He has a FANTASTIC course called 'Financial Peace' that I know many churches are involved with. I'll be signing up for the next one! He's also got an aresenal of books and other reference materials on his website. Here's a tip - reserach a book online you're interested in reading - HIT UP YOUR LOCAL LIBRARY! Did you forget its free?! I mean come on now Dave - we're all trying to save a buck here - no offense.

So check it out, get yourself learned in some moohla management!

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