Friday, August 6, 2010

Christmas in July

Seriously! I can hardly wait for this weekend to get here! It feels like Christmas a little to me! Tomorrow morning I'm embarking on the annual longest Garage Sale trip, with a swing by at IKEA. If you don't know what I'm referencing than you obviously haven't spoken to me in the last few weeks! I've been rambling about it for awhile now! I'm bummed my sister won't be coming along this year and I may be making the trek alone, but I ain't lettin it stop me! I've been dying to get started on another project at home. I've got walls to cover and drawers that need organized. I can't wait to see what I find that inspires the next chapter of making my house a home. If you feel like making the journey yourself this weekend here's a few items you may want to bring along:
*a truck - for large furniture pieces
*boots, tennis or an extra pair of flip flops - some of these places can really get back woodsy and muddy
*bags/boxes to put small finds in - you don't want them broken by rolling around in your back seat.
*camera - there will be pleny of photo ops - trust me
*some good jams
*a few good friends or family memebers to spend the day with is a definite bonus!

Keep your eyes peeled for pics of the finds and the aftermath of my journey! Happy Hunting!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Budgeting - ugh

I'll be the first one to admit, I'm NOT a good money manager. Not that I spend thousands on the latest greatest tech items or have new articles of clothing every week, I could just do a better job planning. I know hubbs would appreciate this. So in an effort to end many uncomfortable conversations around money and more importantly be more budget saavy I am committing myself to learning and PRACTICING better budget behavior. Here's one website I've found already that I'm in LOVE with. is plastered with wonderful ideas for grocery shopping, recipes, home repairs, great gift ideas, and just general budget tips and tricks. And this web site is actually pretty pleasing to the eye, compared to some other budget sites I've stumbled upon. A woman must have created it :)

Another familiar name in the world of finanaces is Dave Ramsey. He has a FANTASTIC course called 'Financial Peace' that I know many churches are involved with. I'll be signing up for the next one! He's also got an aresenal of books and other reference materials on his website. Here's a tip - reserach a book online you're interested in reading - HIT UP YOUR LOCAL LIBRARY! Did you forget its free?! I mean come on now Dave - we're all trying to save a buck here - no offense.

So check it out, get yourself learned in some moohla management!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Contents of a Purse

I've always wanted to do this! I cleaned out my purse and here's what I found...AND For the one or two men who read this, we are about to delve into the private contents of a woman's purse... BEWARE!

14 lists/sticky notes!!! (I might have a problem!)
1 movie stub - New Moon! Ha!
1 sketch of my dream landscaping
9 receipts (4 from Kroger)
18 cards!!! (expired gift cards, or cards with $1.88 on it, old insurance cards, punch cards, business cards etc.)
1 picture - the Isons, the beloved family of 7 I used to nanny for.
1 magazine - my favorite of course BH&Gardens DIY
2 notebooks
3 wallets... !? really?
1 change purse with 15 stray cents floating about
1 Happy to be an artist key chain
1 purse hanger - never used
1 comb
1 peacock feather print nail file
1 empty eye glass case
2 pens
3 tampons
1 unopened box of makeup primer
1 job application to H&M to be a visual merchandiser - it must have been a bad day at work...
1 monthly Jazzercise schedule
2 sermon notes/bulletins
1 piece of mail
A pizza menu
4 coupons
Hand sanitizer, nude nail polish and a partridge in a pair tree!

Perspective - If I were a rich man - la la la la la la laaa

First off - any one get my Fiddler on the Roof reference? Takes me back to 8th grade choir... anyways

I consider myself to be a very blessed gal financially. I have a great job and so does hubbin. We ain't make no 6 figgers', but we get along just fine... but there's a small part of me that was born an entreprenuer and I'm always trying to think of ways to make an extra buck. Whether it be to finance a new home project, my hobbies or my shopping fund, I sometimes find myself with an insatiable appetite to make more money! Ugh!

UNTIL - one Sunday morning in church - I found myself in another sermon about money. WAIT! Don't stop reading! This is different. You're thinking not another rich church preaching on tithing, cuz this was a different kind of Sunday mornin' money sermon.

A sermon on perspective. A lesson on giving back. An eye opening reality on just how blessed we are as Americans.

Here's the facts: (these were pulled from my sermon notes, which I believe were pulled from a website supporting the fight on world hunger - 'World Harvest' I think... don't quote me)

If you make more than $25,000 a year, you are wealthier than 90% of the world's 7 billion people.

If you make more than $50,000 a year, you are wealthier than 99% of the world's 7 billion people.

Half of the world's 7 billion people live on less than $2/day.

93% of the world's 7 billion people do not own a car.

Sooo... instead of trying to sell refurbished furniture for side funds, or launch a mini photography business on the side of my day job, maybe I ought to use my artsy fartsy-ness to raise money for a more worthy cause? Lots of thoughts swirling around in my head on this one. I'll keep you posted on the status of all this... feeling very inspired to give more to those who have less.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Chocolate Cake and Meatloaf - yes please!

I wanted to share 2 new recipes with you. Both are SUPER easy and for the very little effort that's put in, you get great results. Your family and friends will think you slaved away all day!

Lets start with the chocolate cake - because I always wish every meal could start with dessert!

I'm telling you this is so Friggin' EASY!

Start with a regular box of cake mix and a can of chocolate frosting. You'll also need whole fresh strawberries, blueberries and raspberries, about 11 Kit-Kat Candy bars and little preserves, jelly or jam - whatever you have - so long as its not cactus jelly or something - you know they actually make that!

Make the cake as directed on the box using the 2 - 8" cake round pans. Let the cakes cool.

When cakes are cool, carefully slice a thin layer off one of the cakes so that it is flat and not rounded. This cake will be the bottom layer. You could skip this step if you're into the whole leaning tower of Pisa look for a cake. The top layer might slip right off!

Frost the top part of the bottom layer and place other layer on top. Frost entire cake and sides. It doesn't have to be pretty because it will all be covered any way.

Gently break apart the candy bars into individual sticks. Try very hard not to get the jingle "break me off a piece of that - - - " stuck in your head. Gently push the kit kats into the side of the cake so they are standing vertically and the bottom of the candy is facing outward. Continue the bars around the cake until the sides are covered with the bars. There should be little to NO space left in between the bars.

Give the cake/frosting 20 - 30 minutes to set with the candy bars in.

In the mean time - clean fruit and cut tops of strawberries off. Fruit can be left whole. Mix all together in a big bowl with 2-3 TBS of the preserves. This just gives it a pretty glossy look and makes the natural sugar in the fruit come out.

Gently place the fruit on the top of the cake. Start with strawberries and arrange them in a way that looks pretty. Fill in the gaps with bluberries and rapsberries.

That's it! How cool does that look!

Experiment a little - try the white chocolate kit kat bars and different flavors of cake mix, frosting and fruit toppings.


Now for the meatloaf!

This aint' yo momma's usual brick of dry baked meat. This one is from my girl Giada on the food network. LOVE HER SHOW! Its SUPER MOIST and SO full of flavor!

1lb. ground turkey
1/4c. sun dried tomoatoes
1/2c. crumbled Feta cheese
2 chopped cloves of garlic (about TBS garlic)
1/2c. bread crumbs
1/3c. fresh chopped parsley
2 TBS. whole milk or half/half - or skim would work
2 eggs
1tsp. salt

Mix all ingredients except Turkey - add that last. Just mix until everything is incorporated. Don't over mix the meat. It will be brick worthy if you do.

Put mixture into a greased loaf pan 9"x5" or so... bake at 375F for 45 minutes. Let cool for a few minutes then serve that puppy!

Monday, July 5, 2010

FN is still here!

Hi all! I've been slacking on my duties as a writer and I apologize! Summer has been great so far and that means my calendar has been full of things like road trips, weddings, birthday parties, collecting junk to refurbish, landscaping, cookouts, and water balloon fights! I've had the opportunity to do a few photo shoots with friends babies and even a few weddings this year and the time spent on after shoot processing - is well - time consuming! If you notice things look a little different around here. I've added a photography tab and will be posting more pictures from shoots there. This is all for now! Enjoy the pics and Happy 4th!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Dress Up for Big Girls!

What little girl didn't love dressing up her barbies and pimping out her pink Malibu dream home?!

I've stumbled across a few interactive websites that will let you relive those childhood play time hours! (Minus the horrible barbie haircuts)

Last week I discovered - used to create and design a mood board for home interiors and now this -! Its a similar site to olioboard, but for clothes!

It lets you mix and match shirts, pants, shoes and ALL kinds of accessories! Its like being a kid again! Remember those paper dolls?! You could cut the clothes out and try to hang them on with those flimsy little paper tabs. That always drove me crazy!

I'm always trying to dream up new outfits, or match the perfect pair of shoes to a dress for a special occasion. This website is perfect for this! So be inspired! No excuses now to not look amazing! I know we'll all be looking and living a little more fergalicious with these kinds of tools at our finger tips - literally!

Its play time! Have fun!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Typos - the spice of life

As many of you know I spend my days working as an administrative assistant. A job I’m good at, but not always particularly fond of. That being said I have had some of the funniest stories from working this career path, but nothing ruffles my feathers more than being asked to do some of the STUPIDEST things. And in the heat of the moment they often feel like extremely offensive requests, but 24 hours post an incident, they’re stories authors couldn’t imagine making up!

The best part is… it’s my REALITY!!

So here’s a short story, from a week ago, from the middle of a conversation I had via instant message with another admin…

I am 4 weeks into a position with a new department. So far all things have gone pretty great! I’m adjusting to the new digs and to the new boss. I’ve got a wonderful group of supportive admins here and am trying my best to win over the admins of the higher ups who work down town.

You see my office location is in Grove City (a suburb of Columbus). Its great here and it’s also where I live. Hubbs was born and raised here, so now that I’m working just down the street, I never get to leave! (whoo – hoo! – do you sense the sarcasm?) any way… that might have been a little off topic.

The nickname for this place is “Grove Tucky” and I think the perception from the high class big wigs of the corporate office is that we’re all a bunch of hill billy’s down here. Which by the way might be partially true, but these are the nicest hard working people I’ve ever met !

Well since we’re all grove tucky down here, I’m trying to prove my worth and professionalism to the other admins that I work with. Our Senior Vice president’s admin is the nicest gal, and I’ve been trying to build rapport with her and prove to her I am organized, sophisticated and intelligent.

Its hard though because we’ve never actually met in person. (Because if she saw me, she’d instantly know I was organized, sophisticated and intelligent… nope not really! Lol)

So we have this rather annoying system (IMHO – that’s blog lingo for 'in my humble opinion') called instant messaging and we often refer to an ‘I.M.’ as a “ping”. People in this department are crazy about it! No need to make a phone call or even send an email – just PING me! – aNnOyING! Constant interruptions all day…

So me and the head honcho’s admin are having an I.M. conversation. She’s explaining something to me about a meeting and what not. I was probably half engaged, because I was aware of what she was talking about, so I replied to her the words ‘got it’ to confirm that I understood the details…

That’s when it happened. I hit enter to send the reply and this is what it said.

Go tit….. (shi*!!!)

I just cheered on a SVP’s admin by saying ‘Go Tit!

I quickly ‘x-ed’ out the IM box, hoping some how that would make it go away… seconds ticked by.

She responded with an ‘lol’ and “that’s the funniest typo I’ve ever seen!”
Thank God! I started cracking up, mostly thankful she thought it was funny, rather than offensive that I just called her a vulgar term for the female anatomy!

We cordially wrapped up the conversation, still chuckling through out.

There’s no doubt in my mind she now thinks I’m an organized, sophisticated and intelligent grove tucky gal.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Pillsbury Short-Cuts

In my family Fruit Pizza is a regular on the menu during the summer. How could you not? With all the fresh fruit available during the warmer months, fruit pizza is a great way use up fresh produce. Pillsbury's short cut for mini fruit pizzas is AWESOME! Who likes rolling out sugar cookie dough in hot weather? It never works - always sticks to the counter!! Beyond frustrating! Why not try pre-cut sugar cookie dough and make individual mini pizzas? My mother in-law stuck this adorable little cookbook for desserts into my Easter basket this year and its been chocked full of great short cuts for quick and easy desserts. Here's the recipe for Mini Fruit Pizzas.

1 package refrigerated sugar cookies (usually 24 cookies)
1 package cream cheese, softened (8 oz box)
2 TBS frozen limeade concentrate, thawed - (BTW if you've got a great recipe for a limeade drink please share, because you will have TONS of extra from this recipe)
1/2c. powdered sugar
Sliced strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, kiwi - or other favorite fresh fruits

1.) Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Bake cookies according package directions. Cool completely (about 10 minutes)
2.) Beat cream cheese, limeade concentrate and powdered sugar until smooth.
3.) Spread each cookie with approx 1 TBS cream cheese mixture. Arrange fruit on top of each "pizza" Serve immediately, or cover and refrigerate up to 2 hours.

A Few Shout Outs

I recieved an email link to some great Martha Stewart recipes using herbs. I thought it might go well to follow up the themed herb garden blog with some useful recipes for those delicious herbs you're growing! Martha's Herb Recipes

I also stumbled along a really great friendship blog. It has tons of great advice for relationships. Mostly based on questions readers ask. Check it out for all your friendship needs! :) Friendship Blog

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Can You Feel It?

Can ya? We're on the brink of the first holiday for the summer season. (I consider there to be 3 - Memorial Day, 4th of July - duh! and Labor day) The weather is dry and hot, car windows are down with arms held out and fingers spread with wind blowing between... ahhhhh the sights and sounds of warmer weather make me GIDDY! Not sure if its the UV rays frying my brain or what, but I LOVE IT! There's a certain energy in the air right before a long weekend. Especially in the summer. The anticipation of a smoky burger or hot dog on the grill with a side of potato salad, washed down with lemonade or a cold beer. What could be better!? - Seriously I am so excited thinking about it! - That being said I hope that each of you has a safe and relaxing kick off to summer with friends and family.

Here's an old post I did ahwile back on Themed Gardens - IF you're looking for something productive to do this weekend :)

Spring is here and I love the thought of themed gardens. Here are a few different ideas I found from my favorite magazine: REAL SIMPLE

Create an Outdoor Water Garden

Water has a calming effect, and you can set up a water garden in a few minutes. Fill a metal pail or washtub with floating candles; low-maintenance aquatic plants, such as water lettuce, or delicate glass baubles.

An Herb Garden

What to Plant: Consider a themed garden,
such as one planted with lemon thyme, lemon basil,
lemongrass, and lemon balm. I think I'll do mint for sure! Spearmint, peppermint and I've even seen mint that has chocolate undertones!! Or a Salad Garden. Include different types of lettuce, peppers, tomatos and cucumber.

How to Maintain: Herbs are relatively self-sufficient, so water about once a week ― more often during dry spells and less during rainy periods. Make sure to direct the water gently toward the base of the plants, which prevents runoff and allows the moisture to percolate down to the roots.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Perspective - is the grass really greener?

Seems like all my life lessons are based around perspective lately. The old saying "the grass isn't always greener on the other side", has profound truth to it. I have always been one to try and value the thoughts and opinions of all, but sometimes when I get someone else's perspective on what I think about something, I am blown away by how closed minded I had been. Sometimes the grass is greener on the other side and it makes me thankful for God's guiding hand, that He always knows whats best for me. Most recently I've had some eye opening experiences about how you view things as a child, versus what you learn is actually true as an adult. Some times the way you imagine your family or your future or your friendships with others seem to be - I really don't want to use the word "perfect" but that's all I'm coming up with - so.... seem to be "perfect" and then one day the reality of what things have become, where relationships have been strained and ended or changed comes to light. Its not always bad - the perspective part is always enlightening to me, but we all grow up at some point (mine seems to really be hitting this year - 27) and some times the truth/reality can be a let down. It makes me sad, but some how it makes me realize what is truly important and to be thankful for what is really good in my life. Seems to me that the list of really pure and simple good things isn't long, but what's on the list is worth a lot more, than what's not.

Monday, May 17, 2010

The 3/50 Project

I came across a really cool project after a recent trip to my home town ice cream shop, Dietsch Brothers in Findlay, Ohio. Side note - the best hot fudge malt you'll ever have and the greatest Easter candy a grown kid could ask for!

The project is called 3/50. The concept is based around supporting independent and locally owned businesses. Choose 3 that you'd be totally bummed if they were gone, and spend $50 total among these 3 stores every month. Could be a pizza joint you love, a consignment shop or scrapbook store. It doesn't matter what it is, just committ to supporting them each month. Doing so will not only help keep your favorite shops in business, but also creates financial stability in your local community. You can check out Project 3/50 on Facebook or directly to their website!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Project Update

Remember that ugly dresser I was painting and updating? And that mirror I said I was going to paint - they're finally done!

What do you think?



AND remember this mirror?

I still have to repair the glass mirror part, but the frame is pretty well finished! It matches the green polka dot knobs on my dresser!

I apologize for being SO Busy!

You know I hate to leave you hanging with weeks of un-updated blog pages, but as lame of an excuse as it is - I've been BUSY! :) I'm starting a new job next week and wrapping up things at the old job, plus the endless weekend events that warmer weather brings has just lead me to leave you with nothing. I'm sorry! To make up for it, I will now bombard you with several new updates! Enjoy!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Everyday Novelty

Meet the newest addition to my morning routine! Her name is Maxine and I look forward to using her everyday. I am ALL about everyday things in fun patterns and colors. My sister has the best knack for finding fun things for everyday use. Anything from lotions, little bottles of perfume, spatulas and keys. I love going to her house and rumaging through her bathroom and kitchen drawers. Its fun to find novelty items that make even the simplest thing like a flat iron fun. I recently shorted out 2 flat irons and was in the market for a new one. Not being too concerned with quality or cost at $17.99 and extremely adorable there was no way I was passing this beauty by! Have I mentioned I LOVE animal print? :)

Keep your senses alert for everyday items in prints, patterns and colors you love. If it makes you and ooo and aaaa chances are you'll get a little kick out of using it!

Monday, April 19, 2010

I ran across this little blog, on another blog I follow. It particularly caught my eye, not only for the beautiful photos, and not to mention the topic of food is always a good thing.... she's writing about meal planning. I've always struggled with grocery shopping and meal planning. I, like most of us, have picked up my eating and shopping habits from my mother. What I (she/we) do works I guess, but something about it has just never clicked right for me and hubbs. I've asked countless women what their techniques and tips are and they all seem to be similar, but each time I catch an article on it, I'm definitely reading. Here's an article from Meal Planning 101

The rest of her blog is pretty great too. What are your best tips?

(Flickr-Todd Klassy)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Project Update

I have to apologize for the lack of recent posts. I don't want to get into complaining about my day job, but am sorry that when things get sressful for me, I tend to lose sight of things I enjoy (like blogging). Whining about it gets old and I was reminded today of just what usually perks me up. A project. I love to create things and put my own personal touch on, well... anything really. After a stressful day, focusing my attention on sprucing up an old dresser was just what I needed to get my mind off the negative.

We aquired this dresser from the in-laws and usually I turn down the hand me downs, but this one had potential.

First I removed those boring old wood knobs and started sanding. Some by hand, but mostly with an electric sander. I used to wonder in college if my wood scultping and welding classes would ever come in handy later in my life... turns out they have! Once I had most of the stain and varnish removed from the dresser, I started painting. I used a white "pickling" stain. Its sort of mix between a paint and a stain. It has more of a traslucent finish than opaque paint. Its taken about 3-4 coats to get a good covering though. I applied the stain with sponge brush in long streaks - I like that look. You could use a roller for a smoother finish. I have a few more coats to apply and some final sanding. The addition of some cutsie knobs from Hobby Lobby and a cute sheet or two of contact paper to line the drawers and I'll call it complete. Here's where we're at so far!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Liberty of London

Anyone else out there loving the new line at Target? Liberty of London has the most beautiful mod floral prints in anything from dresses to bicycles! If you don't know what I'm talking about RUN to your nearest Target and get something in that adorable print! You can afford it! Mini picture frames and individual plastic ware starts around $3!

Friday, April 2, 2010

A Cup of Life

So this new little $2.99 purchase from Target inspired a thought today.

Wouldn't it be fun if when you went on vacation you and everyone on your trip bought a cup when you got to your destination. It could be a cup with the name of the place you're visiting, simple, complicated, plastic, glass, sippy style or just from Target... that cup is your cup of the week. You drink EVERYTHING from it. Coffee, tea, water, beer and cosmopolitans. You and your cup become companions for your time away. When vaca is over, you take the cup home as a keepsake from your fabulous get away. Use it on a daily basis or display it on a shelf. Hopefully you've built some good memories with your cup and the friends and family you were with. Sure beats a silly souvenir!

Here's a few things I've been fillin my cup with recently! Cheers to warm weather!

Menage a Trois WINE (please don't google... trust me)Discovered this at Woodhaven Farm. Its a mix of Zinfandel, Merlot and Cabernet... YUM!

Magic Hat Beer - had this one on tap in Florida while on vacation. The Spring Lager is my favorite. They're logos are so darn creative too!

And good ole' fashioned Sweet Sun Tea! Made in my own backyard. Another personal favorite is Cane's Sweet Tea.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

A Little Piece of Heaven

I just spent the day at one of the most wonderful places I've ever been to and it wasn't the beach! What I thought would be another typical team building off site, was not what Tami Cecil had in mind for me or the people I work with. Chef Tami is the founder of Woodhaven Farm located in Johnstown, Ohio - just 20 minutes East of Columbus. Her 10 acre farm consists of a beautiful farmhouse/barn with a state of the art kitchen, green house, 2 ponds, an organic garden and all the peace and serenity you can soak up in a few hours spent there. The facility primarily hosts corporate gatherings for team building and social events, along with a varying array of cooking classes. Chef Tami has an incredible history and is charismatic and full of life. She kept cracking me up running around saying "My children listen and my children don't do that, or wonderful job my children." The funny thing is she couldn't even be old enough to be any of our mothers! :) Her cooking show on ONN airs on Sundays at 4:30 (this is when I watch, there's other times too). I've been a fan of this show for some time now, but didn't realize it was so close. When I found out I'd be spending a day at Wood Haven Farms I got super pumped... and I was NOT disappointed. Not only was the food our teams cooked DEE-LISH, but it really was a great team building event. And the facility...! Oh... just beautiful. So home-y, inviting and relaxing. The kind of place you hope your own home will ever look and feel anything close to. Any way, here's a few photos I took throughout our day. I HIGHLY recommend that if you ever get the chance to visit Woodhaven Farm or interact with Chef Tami that you take up the opportunity. Here is a link to Woodhaven Farm to check it out for yourself. Enjoy! (I apologize for some of the photo quality, we had been sipping wine all day!)

Chef Tami and I

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I'm back BABY!

Vacation was WONDERFUL! I loved spending time with some special gal pals, and the time away from hubby was good too. I love the feeling of missing him :) Quite frankly I'm ready to move! Its almost impossible to have a bad attitude about anything. The sunny blue skies, pink and yellow buildings and palm trees are so cheery. I feel re-inspired about everything in my life. I was introduced to an adorable little beach shop called the Sand Dollar. THE most adorable things you've ever seen. It reminds me a lot of anthropology, but beachy! Thanks for checking in even though I was away! Here's a piece of vaca I brought back for you.

I think I can, I think I can.....

Have you ever put off something due to fear and insecurity? Or avoided something because its outside your comfort zone? Sure you have. We all have. Whether its avoiding the dentist, praying you don't get the flu because you're afraid you might have to vomit, developing a new relationship or taking a class. There's been a time when you've avoided a situation because something about it causes you some form of anxiety. If you've never experienced such stomache twisting knots before - you might be dead, or you're just one bad a** gal.

For me lately its been the nearing spring quarter of a class I've signed up to take. You see, being an administrative assistant is great and all, but its really not what I aspire for my career. I know I need to do something about it, and that that something is getting my Masters.... MASTERS! The word alone is scary! I've never been a master of anything. I've always considered myself a "jack of all trades". I'm good at a lot of things, but not great at any one thing. Any way, I think what it comes down to is I fear failing or looking stupid. I've already vowed to never open my mouth in class, even though 25% of my grade is participation. Among my class mates are some of the brightest and most creative people that I work with. I feel like I've got something extra to prove being an "admin". I feel like people assume I don't already have a degree and that the only reason I'm an admin is because I couldn't get a job doing anything else (which is partially true, damn teaching degree does me no good!). Now don't get all mom on me. I know what you're thinking and you're yelling encouraging things at the computer screen, but these are my insecurities speaking. I know that I am a bright, positive and creative person, but its been awhile since I've had to use the left side of my brain - that is the analytical side right? This class will be a challenge for me. Even reading the syllabus was over whelming! Its been almost 5 years since I've really had to use my brain in a critical thinking sort of way.

I like this excerpt from an article on
"Fear causes great people to accept mediocrity. It also causes death and destruction to lives and dreams of most people. Where there is overwhelming procrastination, there is fear. Where there is great anger, there is fear. Where there is extreme hatred, there is fear. Where there is complacency, there is fear. Where there was failure, ultimately, fear was there."
- Myles W. Miller

I guess the point of this little blog was to get a little off my chest. To confess a little something to the world. But I hope that you'll embrace something you're afraid of. Step out of your comfort zone and grow a little today :)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Project Restoration

Anyone else getting fired up for garage sales!? This warmer weather has the smell and feel of bargain hunting season. Growing up, garage saling with my mother, aunts and sisters was something I never really looked forward to doing. Why would you want some one else's old stinky crap? Spending most of a beautiful summer Saturday rummaging through mostly junk for one or two good treasures was never my idea of fun. But as they say the apple never falls far from the tree and my sister and I now thouroughly enjoy an early hot summer morning on the road. Always keeping an eye out for just the right signage signaling us to what we hope is a land mine of treasures, right in my neighbor's garage. Last year Alaina (my sister) and I made a trip out of one fabulously long sale known as America's longest yard sale or Corridor 127 sale. It's literally in our own back yard! This sale runs an amazing 654 miles starting from West Unity, Ohio to Gadsden, Alabama, along Route 127. I first heard about this event on Rachel Ray's talk show. I know a lot of the cute stuff on her set was found and refurbished from garage and thrift store items. You'll find anything from country bumpkins on the side of the road, traditional houses with a garage full of crap (I mean that in the nicest way) to tents with antiques.

Alaina and I headed due west to Eaton, Ohio, hopped on Route 127 and went south. We of course had to round out the trip with a stop by Ikea on our way home. Let me assure you, we did not make it past Cincinnati. It could have taken DAYS! Equipped with my husbands truck, cash and an eager spirit, we did find find a few good things. Like an N'Sync CD circa 2004 and yes 'God Must have spent a little more time on you' got set on repeat. It made a great sound track for the trip. There's just something so nostalgic about all of it for me. Someday I'll drag my own children, nieces and nephews on trips just like this one.

ANY HOO! A hobby I've always had, but never really consistently stuck to (shocker I know, I stick to nothing - like an old post it note) is refurbishing things. Particularly furniture. I've got a shelf hanging in my kitchen that I picked up from a garage sale a few summers ago. Just an ordinary wood shelf - very 80's country home interiors feel to it when purchased. Jacob (hubby) sanded it for me and I added a few layers of white stain and some cute knobs from Hobby Lobby. I don't have a before pic, but I think it turned out great. I get so many compliments on it. I think all in all the shelf was $7, paint $3 and knobs $1 each...? So $15 total!

I found this mirror at the thrift store. I wasn't going to get it, but when I went back to the same thrift store a few weeks later. It was still there. I couldn't say no twice! I love the swirly details at the top of it.

I'm thinking of staining this one white again, but black or a fun pop of color could be great too. I'd like to add knobs or hooks to this one as well. I'll be sure to post new pics when its complete. I'm hoping to find a cool chair at a sale this summer. I've always wanted to refurbish one. Start planning a day with some gal pals or a loved one for a garage sale trip. Who knows what you'll find!